Review: Daisy Jones & The Six by Taylor Jenkins Reid

Good Afternoon All,

What a horrible Saturday afternoon it is today! Storm Gareth has graced us with his presence in Wales and it’s rainy, windy and cold. Definitely a day for staying indoors, which suits me just fine as I can stay in and chill out. Just as a major side note, I purchased the Smart Keyboard for my new iPad Pro today and I’m testing it out to write this post. Verdict so far is…I LOVE IT. So now I’ve babbled on, I’ll jump into my review of Daisy Jones & The Six by Taylor Jenkins Reid.

Daisy Jones grew up on Sunset Strip in the late sixties, mixed up in a life of sex, drugs and rock and roll. Although well known on the scene, her music career is work in progress until her voice starts getting noticed and the attention comes with it. Meanwhile, The Six are also getting noticed in the music industry. A rock band led by Billy Dunne, they release their first hit with producer Teddy who just so happens to be working with Daisy also. Teddy soon sees potential to merge the two acts and sure enough, they are destined for big success. However with a rock band in the seventies comes drama and we are let into the secrets and tales of Daisy Jones & The Six.

I had seen a lot of hype about this book and it’s been on my TBR list for quite some time prior to it’s release. I downloaded the audio book once it was released and I was addicted from that very moment. Firstly, I’m so glad I got the audio book as I imagine listening to this is even better than reading it. The narration and the telling of the story was amazing, it was almost like watching a documentary. The characters became real to me and I often found myself confused about whether this was a true story, told by the actual band members or fiction.

All of the band members captivated me and I was very quickly gripped by each of their stories. The book is written in such a way that makes you feel like you’re listening in on a private interview with each character and it worked oh so very well. I don’t want to go on too much about each character but in summary;

Daisy is amazing. That is all.

I loved the relationship between Karen and Graham.

Billy’s struggle with sobriety and balancing his rock star life with his family life was so brilliantly told.

This was one of those books that I’m upset to have finished. I want to hear more from the band members. I want to get closer to them. Like I mentioned, this book is so brilliant, it doesn’t feel like reading fiction at all. It feels like listening to real life interviews with real life rock stars. Someone please make this into a film/series!! Fabulous writing from Taylor Jenkins Reid! The hype for this was warranted…and some!!


No matter who you choose to go down the road with, you’re gonna get hurt. That’s just the nature of caring about someone. No matter who you love, they will break your heart along the way.” – Daisy Jones & The Six by Taylor Jenkins Reid

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